- Our TURD album?? Hahahaha! ~ Spice Girls during an interview, when a Dutch interviewer was constantly mentioning their TURD (third) album...
- There are things known, there are things unknown, in between are doors ~ Jim Morrison
- I go to a very visual place when I'm singing. It's very cinematic and I get this feeling of space. I love when music does that. ~ Dave Gahan
- Drugs Are A Waste Of Time They Destroy Your Memory And Your Self- Respect And Everything That Goes Along With With Your Self Esteem ~ Kurt Cobain
- I told people I was a drummer before I even had a set, I was a mental drummer. ~ Keith Moon
- Don't play what's there, play what's not there. ~ Miles Davis
- It's much too late to do anything about rock & roll now ... ~ Jerry Garcia
- Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence ~ Robert Fripp
- Marilyn Manson has a woman´s name and wears makeup. How original. ~ Alice Cooper
- I just do what I do. I like to make music ~ Neil Young
- I Suppose Ultimately I´m Interested In Music I´m A Musician I´m Not A Gunslinger That´s The Difference Between What I Do And What A Lot Of Guitar Heroes Do ~ The Edge
- Ces't le ton qui fait la music ~ Rue Rapide
- There is no dark side of the moon really Matter of fact it´ s all dark ~ Pink Floyd
- Everybody can sing in Liverpool! I know this for a fact! ~ Gary Daly during a live performance of "Christian"...
- I declare that the Beatles are mutants Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen ~ Timothy Leary
Shakin’ StevensHoe ziet het netwerk van Shakin’ Stevens eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
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