Voeg een dagfeit toe
- Geej se lèllike voel hod!
- This is one place were technology has become important to us. Working on a digital setup, you can just take things off then put them in other places and contruct your framework without loosing generation and end up with this carefully contructed, multi-layered format, but at the same time all of the parts in it are improvised and loose. Without digital technology, you couldn't do that. ~ Mark Hollis
- My wife left me because I became a flat earther.... but with a P900 camera I can bring her back!
- There's nothing worse than having a Cranberries song stuck in your heeeead, in your heeeead! In your head, in your head, in your he he he he
- zeggen dat je van iemand houdt, terwijl je die persoon de rammeling van zn leven geeft, is NIET congruent
- De VAR zal het allemaal nog eens moeten bekijken. Ondertussen ontstaat er ruzie.
- je moet geen oude pinten van de toog halen
- the idea was that I was going to eat the vaginaized grapes which wasnt really that much of a turn on for me.
- Just because someone else is retarded, doesn't mean you have to be as well.
- She hated kissing him because he habit a habit of smoking and eating garlic before takes
- We are really happy having found your web site, it is really everything I have been hoping for. The information here on the website is definitely need
- Spaar energie: blijf zitten!
- ... en toen zei de prins tegen Assepoester dat ze haar muil moest houden
- We begrijpen dat je maandag misschien afwezig bent wegens het offerfeest. Het is alleen en beetje 'kort dag' om een ander rund te vinden
- Verknoei je tijd op een nuttige manier!